The week started off beautifully. Monday was a day of practically no education whatsoever. Someone lost the key to the class, and the class com spent half an hour looking for it. Eventually, they had the maintenance people come down to open the classroom. Even better, Mr. Lam didn't turn up until there was ten minutes left, so all he did was go through answers. The Full Lit guys spent the period moving from area to area because Mrs. Ang couldn't stand the fact that the air-con was down in the usual room, and we couldn't find a good spot. English could hardly constitute as a lesson. Elective History continued as usual, but its normally interesting. Chinese, well, what more can I say?? We spent PSE period learning to change a three pin plug.
Mr Tung left on Wednesday for the US to attend his daughter's graduation ceremony, so we were left without a real maths teacher. For the first period of maths in the day, we had one of the Tamil teachers who could barely speak English relieve us. Old Tung wasn't kidding when he said he doubted if the substitute teachers could teacher maths. The second period, we didn't even get a relief teacher, so you can imagine what it was like. I blew up at Chris today when he told me to get out of the goal when I conceded just one goal, shouting numerous expletives at him, which included screwing himself, only in a much more expressive way. I didn't dare to come back to me after that, and I didn't concede a goal either. Now, I've taken this crap long enough. Admittedly, I haven't done so well lately, but not so badly that Chris demands that he replace me as keeper. Every time a goal is conceded, they blame me, despite the fact that half the goals were conceded because
1. Defenders didn't clear the ball properly. Many times, when they attempt to volley or head away a goal kick, they miss, and I, placing confidence in their ability, ends up suffering, either having to slide across the ground to catch it, or being chewed out by letting a goal in. Might I remind Chris that in one match, he headed the ball right straight into my net. And he thinks being a keeper is easy....
2. The area is so small, you can score from a goal kick easily.
3. Everyone wants some glory, and my defenders abandon me to attempt to score, promptly get dispossessed, and leave me to take on the attackers by myself. Wow, now I'm supposed to be good enough to take on three strikers at once. Either that, or they leave the wings wide open for someone to run down from and score.
Well, today, playing with JC and his mates, I was a keeper with a real set of defenders, who didn't abandon me for goals or block my view. I saved three shots from school team soccer players, and conceded only one goal in the forty minutes I played, upon which my defended admitted it was his mistake. They all said I wasn't bad, and were appalled when I told them Chris wanted me out of goal. Shows what I can do with a real team, with people who don't throw the blame around. Look, just because I'm a little on the passive side Chris, don't even think of moving me out of MY position you stupid fucktarded piece of crap.
Anyway, on a happier note, Manchester United came back from two down at the 50th minute to win 4-2 against Everton at Goodison Park. O'Shea opened up with a goal from a corner kick, Phil Neville equalizing for his former club with an own goal, Rooney slipped a shot from a tough angle for the winner, and set up a never before seen player Eagles to score his first goal. United's lead stretched to 5 points in the Premier League when Chelsea drew with Bolton at home!!! Quadruple eh, Special One?? Don't count on it. The Premier League is ours.
Clocked 25 hours of study so far, almost there...
Saturday, 28 April 2007
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Its possible to clothesline yourself.
Mr Tung was in his harbinger of doom mode again, warning us that Circle Property questions were the hardest to get marks in since there was so much labeling to be done. After turning a simple circle and triangle into geometrical hieroglyphics that baffled me and just about everyone in class, he announced " Boys, this will get you...... One mark" and went on to drill into us the various symbols and other so called " Essentials". Sam Chou, being the rather expressive person he is, commented that "Aiyah, not worth it lah". At that point, Tung emitted a sound that can only be described as a cross between a city being flattened to ground zero by an N-bomb and a lion roar , and Sam continued his reign as Most "Outstanding" student, after which Tung went back into harbinger of doom mode and turned his dire warnings on our recent graph test which everyone screwed up. Its not the first time Sam Chou has brought the whole class down with him. The first time was when he actually said the F word in front of Miss Matthews during SS when she mentioned she was sworn in as a Singaporean citizen a couple of years back.
But at the end of school, Wayne lightened the mood by running head first into the cordon put up around the track. Kevin apparently decided to stop running into doors and felt stealing Wayne's quadratic curve was more entertaining. In the end, Wayne chased him all the way to the track, Kevin deftly sidestepped him as he made a lunge, causing Wayne to clothesline himself on the cordon. Sam, Bryant and I responded by reciting the "You got OWNED" chant. Pity we didn't get that on video.
Another tragic day, Columbine 2 took place, 22 people already dead. I first heard about while I was half asleep in the car on the way to school on the radio, the news startling me awake. The only other time the radio has had that effect on me is when I heard Man U destroyed AS Roma 7-1 in the Champions League. Most saddening thing was its just days before the anniversary of the Columbine shooting. I heard the shooter was an Asian man. Just a stupid, and probably insensitive theory of mine, but maybe the shooting was inspired by Doom 3, just like Columbine was rumoured to have been inspired by Doom.
Speaking of Doom 3, Sam Loh lent me the game. One weekend with it, and I now spend my nights with a flashlight under the covers, wishing I had a plasma gun instead. At many points, the game just turns annoying when its all dark and I'm forced to use the bloody flashlight to watch the zombies, Imps and the other hellish apparitions sample Space Marine's leg.
Best news I've heard in a long while, Mum and Dad finally trust me enough to leave me and my younger brother and sister behind while they tour Europe for two weeks. The best part is, its right after the exam, and they'll probably miss PTM. Of course, they plan to leave us with Mum's sister, but Mum quietly allowed me to return back here to stay on weekends. She'd have let me stay at home by myself, but I need someone to wake me up, or I'll never get to school. I just hope this isn't one those reality TV shows where the parents tell their kids they'll be out of town for a few days, when they're actually camping a few houses away with camera crews catching everything.
They leave 3 days before the FA Cup Final, which gives me a chance to invite fellow Man U supporters over. Man U ownaged their last two games, 7-1 AS Roma, 4-1 Watford. Chelski on the other hand, have barely survived their last two games, only snatching lucky winners in injury time against Valencia and Blackburn in the Champions League and FA Cup respectively. Only problem Man U has is the defensive crisis. Except for Evra, all the first choice defenders are down, which leaves United one option, which is to score, and score big, like they always have.
But at the end of school, Wayne lightened the mood by running head first into the cordon put up around the track. Kevin apparently decided to stop running into doors and felt stealing Wayne's quadratic curve was more entertaining. In the end, Wayne chased him all the way to the track, Kevin deftly sidestepped him as he made a lunge, causing Wayne to clothesline himself on the cordon. Sam, Bryant and I responded by reciting the "You got OWNED" chant. Pity we didn't get that on video.
Another tragic day, Columbine 2 took place, 22 people already dead. I first heard about while I was half asleep in the car on the way to school on the radio, the news startling me awake. The only other time the radio has had that effect on me is when I heard Man U destroyed AS Roma 7-1 in the Champions League. Most saddening thing was its just days before the anniversary of the Columbine shooting. I heard the shooter was an Asian man. Just a stupid, and probably insensitive theory of mine, but maybe the shooting was inspired by Doom 3, just like Columbine was rumoured to have been inspired by Doom.
Speaking of Doom 3, Sam Loh lent me the game. One weekend with it, and I now spend my nights with a flashlight under the covers, wishing I had a plasma gun instead. At many points, the game just turns annoying when its all dark and I'm forced to use the bloody flashlight to watch the zombies, Imps and the other hellish apparitions sample Space Marine's leg.
Best news I've heard in a long while, Mum and Dad finally trust me enough to leave me and my younger brother and sister behind while they tour Europe for two weeks. The best part is, its right after the exam, and they'll probably miss PTM. Of course, they plan to leave us with Mum's sister, but Mum quietly allowed me to return back here to stay on weekends. She'd have let me stay at home by myself, but I need someone to wake me up, or I'll never get to school. I just hope this isn't one those reality TV shows where the parents tell their kids they'll be out of town for a few days, when they're actually camping a few houses away with camera crews catching everything.
They leave 3 days before the FA Cup Final, which gives me a chance to invite fellow Man U supporters over. Man U ownaged their last two games, 7-1 AS Roma, 4-1 Watford. Chelski on the other hand, have barely survived their last two games, only snatching lucky winners in injury time against Valencia and Blackburn in the Champions League and FA Cup respectively. Only problem Man U has is the defensive crisis. Except for Evra, all the first choice defenders are down, which leaves United one option, which is to score, and score big, like they always have.
Saturday, 14 April 2007
Forget windwalk, do the highway walk!!

Friday the 13th indeed... Didn't start off too badly at first, getting through Physics period without a scratch, and old Tung confirming my logarithm equation, which means I have just written the eleventh law of logarithm!! Then the crap started, with no one completing the graph test 8( When that horror ended, PE started, and I realized that in anticipation of the match today, I had forgotten to bring PE uniform. I managed to get Andrew to lend me his set on the condition I wouldn't stain it, which wasn't so hard since my class spent PE in the LT because of the rain. Then came chemistry, along with the memory of the chemistry homework I hadn't done yet. Score two for Friday the 13th. The second maths period came with Tung teaching us about cylicparallelograms. While the name certainly sounds cool, learning about them isn't. To top it all off, he taught it right through PSE lesson. 3 for Friday the 13th.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the match was called off because of a lightning storm, but we were still forced to train. Tells quite a bit about Alfred Nathan's intelligence, since we he was saying earlier on that lightning storms have a 6km radius, and we were just over a click from the Police Academy where we were scheduled to play at. We walked, no, waded our way into our new field/swamp to train, and the second stringers like me became cannon fodder for the starting fifteen. Eventually I got to play on the first team when Gabriel left, but I didn't start so well, dropping the first kickoff. The only Sec 4 who really bothers to be nice with me is Dick, some are sympathetic, the rest apathetic.
Word's been going around that I was the student who was reported on the radio for walking on the highway last year. Well, actually it was probably me walking from CJC to the HDB hub cause my ez-link was running low. Its so far spread now that Edmund from 323 asked me on our first encounter "How far did you walk on the highway?" "Far enough to be reported on 97.8" I replied. (I'm not sure what station it was actually, but Nat says it was 98.7)
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Lollipops don't go well with cake
Mrs Ang got fed up with people stalling for time and how certain songs took forever to download, so she decided to stop all the presentations and ordered those who haven't presented yet to just send the analysis of the songs to her, so now I won't get to present my anti-emo song (Bright side of life by Monty Python). I think it was one's guy's song. He picked this disgusting song about baking a cake that looked like it came from Playhouse Disney or something, and involved some supposedly 16 year old girl with pink hair and dancing around what looks like Muppet ripoffs baking a cake. My eyes were burned by that horrible video, thank goodness I can't remember the tune. Bryant summed it up best, calling it a "Crack-induced dream".
Why any sensible teenager would shame themselves by doing that is beyond me.
Mrs Ang : So whats your take on this song??
Guy: Erm...... Lollipops don't go well with cakes?
The class was unanimous on failing him except Luke, who wanted to pass him since he thought the girl was hot.b
Eric Lam suaned us today (again) because no one turned up for the make-up practical. Turns out everyone who was supposed to go didn't turn up. Luckily I finished it in time, so I was spared some of his wrath. He went on about how the whole classes attitude sucked, and how we were insolent, blah blah blah. Man, I'd wish he'd stop thinking the whole class was like that. Just because Adithya ( I don't care if I spelled it wrong ) only wants attention, and Sam Chou is a lazy asscrack doesn't mean the whole class is. I mean, hell, good portion of us actually listen, with me even taking down notes. I admit he's a good teacher, but seriously, there is NO room for error with him. Could help if he smiled more, its like Darth Vader teaching Physics when he walks in, all he's missing now is the voice synthesizer.
The good news is at least I did well for the maths test, with 18 out of 20, but I doubt Sam and Bryant want their marks up here. Pretty surprising to see Shen Shin get 18/20 as well, normally we have to save him in maths.
The bad news? There's another one tomorrow on graphs, which I suck at, I can't draw for nuts.
Why any sensible teenager would shame themselves by doing that is beyond me.
Mrs Ang : So whats your take on this song??
Guy: Erm...... Lollipops don't go well with cakes?
The class was unanimous on failing him except Luke, who wanted to pass him since he thought the girl was hot.b
Eric Lam suaned us today (again) because no one turned up for the make-up practical. Turns out everyone who was supposed to go didn't turn up. Luckily I finished it in time, so I was spared some of his wrath. He went on about how the whole classes attitude sucked, and how we were insolent, blah blah blah. Man, I'd wish he'd stop thinking the whole class was like that. Just because Adithya ( I don't care if I spelled it wrong ) only wants attention, and Sam Chou is a lazy asscrack doesn't mean the whole class is. I mean, hell, good portion of us actually listen, with me even taking down notes. I admit he's a good teacher, but seriously, there is NO room for error with him. Could help if he smiled more, its like Darth Vader teaching Physics when he walks in, all he's missing now is the voice synthesizer.
The good news is at least I did well for the maths test, with 18 out of 20, but I doubt Sam and Bryant want their marks up here. Pretty surprising to see Shen Shin get 18/20 as well, normally we have to save him in maths.
The bad news? There's another one tomorrow on graphs, which I suck at, I can't draw for nuts.
Sunday, 8 April 2007
No, I am not dead (Not yet anyway)
No, I am not dead from drinking my chem practical results, just hell busy and slightly depressed. A few things have happened since I last posted, most notably me getting this laptop I'm using to post this. It came fully operational when it was sent to us, with not too many problems. For one, it has yet to hang yet, and downloads stuff faster than I down unknown substances. Its a older model, and it came minus Windows Word, Excel, and everything else that's vaguely useful for doing work on, thank goodness it still has notepad. Well, it came free with an ownage wireless subscription, so I'm not complaining.
This technological piece of mana from Heaven came when my maths tutor commented to my mum that they were giving out laptops if you subscribed to a certain wireless plan, and with our old wireless router working as often as Daryl does his Chinese homework, it didn't take much to convince mum. Of course, she intended to use the laptop for herself, but she gave up on it pretty fast, and since dad already has on, the laptop falls to my administration. With the wireless I can use it in the comfort of my room at two in the morning, which I do pretty often now on weekends. Really have to get on with downloading Word though.
This technological piece of mana from Heaven came when my maths tutor commented to my mum that they were giving out laptops if you subscribed to a certain wireless plan, and with our old wireless router working as often as Daryl does his Chinese homework, it didn't take much to convince mum. Of course, she intended to use the laptop for herself, but she gave up on it pretty fast, and since dad already has on, the laptop falls to my administration. With the wireless I can use it in the comfort of my room at two in the morning, which I do pretty often now on weekends. Really have to get on with downloading Word though.
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