Sunday 26 October 2008

O-Levels- Matchweek 1

Everyone's still alive after the first round, most happy, some sad. Everything I've done is not fantastic, but hopefully good enough. It felt the same, looked the same, seemed the same as every other paper I've done, but it somehow, something just doesn't feel right. Its like firing off a cannon. You hear the shell coming out, but there's no resulting boom, and then you start wondering whether or not you've been firing live rounds or whether you accidentally loaded the rock cakes that they serve at teatime.

Chemistry, dammit... It was such an easy paper, routine and straightforward, and I've already lost 6 marks due to carelessness. It's such a let down. I got 70+ for the 2007 paper. I got an A1 for Chemistry BEFORE moderation when less than 20% of the school got an A AFTER moderation.

"Cheng Heng, don't be an arrogant bastard and cry over 6 marks, I lost much more than that!" I'm sure many of you will say. While a loss of 6 marks is theoretically 74/80, which is still major l33t, I've seen Murphy's Law enacted on me many, many times. When you've been Fate's favourite trick pony everytime It wants to see someone trip and fall just before the finish line as often as me and perhaps Liverpool, you'll understand.

"Don't count thy chickens before they hatch!" is the adage I like to live by. And even after I've seen something moving inside the proverbial eggs when I hold them up to the light, there's always a chance that the dealer was a dishonest bastard who sold you duck eggs instead of chicken eggs.

It's disturbing as well, looking at the general mood around country for the last few papers. A Maths, apparently, was a no-brainer for plenty of people, judging by the forums I've seen so far. Even up there plenty of people seem to have lost less then me. And unless the large majority of people which I require to die in front of me has no access to the internet whatsoever, I'm sailing in extremely dire straits.

In the five hours in between I started this post, went down to have a steak and watched one movie, I just managed to hypnotize/convince/calm down/lie to/assure myself that all is fine.

And why you may ask? Because, the blessed internet has borne me more great fruit!

I found the answers to the E Maths Paper 1. 71/80. I'm feeling good.