Monday 25 August 2008

I Spy...

With my little eye, a Heavy who doesn't realize anything suspicious about a "friendly" Pyro back to his own base in the sewers. Butterfly knife FTW.

Have begun playing Team Fortress 2, mostly as a Spy, going around stabbing hapless Snipers and Heavies in the back. Okay fine, the learning curve is really steep for Spy (70 kills to 250 deaths), it didn't help that the other side had become Spy-paranoid after I captured the intelligence twice in my first game. Seriously, I walk up cloaked to a Pyro from behind and all of a sudden he/she/it turns around and lets off a plume of fire and I'm roasted.

I guess its imprinted onto me now, since its the first class I played in TF2, much like how I'm stuck to the Vengeful Spirit if I ever touch DotA. Its just so FUN to rush into a giant crowd of people who have no idea you're there and go on a kamikaze stabby rampage!! Or sap like 7 dispensers and sentries in a row and watch the poor Engineer futilely try to save them.

Of course, Sam and Jem insist that the Spy is NOT for kamikaze stabby rampages. But meh, they wised up and camped a Heavy outside all escape routes for me whenever I pick up the intel, and you can't cloak or disguise yourself when you're carrying the intel, so I ended up rushing up to the battlements and stabbing as many Snipers and Demomen as I could before someone found me out. Which, unfortunately, got faster as time went by.

I'm enthusiastic about buying it, seeing that I DON'T need a Damien-grade computer to run it, and my computer could actually take it if I got a new graphics card and added some RAM to it. While we're on the topic, my computer apparently has better processing than a WCG computer. Mine packs 3GHz, while Bryant's new one packs just 2GHz. And mine's four years old. Lulz anyone? My cousin must have put some really powerful shit in that thing when he built it.

Did I note that the price tag at the Steam site says it costs just $19.99? I mean, I have no idea what other costs come with that, maybe because its just TF2 alone, and not bound together with the Orange Box (Not that I'm interested in dropping Companion Cubes or killing head crabs anyway), maybe thats just the price alone without shipping/tax and all those other strange costs that come out from bloody nowhere.

But if it really does cost just twenty bucks, I'll take it, definitely. I mean, I can't even buy Sudoku DS for twenty dollars! And no, just because I like sudoku doesn't mean I'm a 4Chan browsing gay Japanese sociopath Sam.

Oh yes, my DS. I just bought Pokemon Diamond for myself. Okay fine, every other game Pokemon has released after Gold/Silver/Crystal was just a blatant attempt to milk the series for money (I realized that when I was 12, thats how bad it was...). But then again, I'm quite partial to milk myself. Come on though, who here has not played/watched Pokemon when they were younger? And who didn't have fun while they were at it?

Anyway, played through 10 hours of it already (Courtesy of today being a no-school day), got just three badges because I keep retreating back to the PokeCentres because my Empeleon/Arrogant metal penguin in a suit runs out of PP so fast.

Pokemon Diamond tries (and pretty much fails) to look 3-D. While they did stick the day and night back into the game, and added the option trade across the internet via a wireless router, it is useless because my router hates me and throws up all sorts of errors when trying to connect.

Monday 18 August 2008

Its Been A Good Week

A very good week in fact. Prelims are going sexy sweet. Nothing says "I Love Life!" more than playing COD4 at seven on a Monday morning while there are some poor buggers out there fighting for their lives in a Geography exam.

And I passed my Chinese at O-Levels. I PASSED!!! One who has never passed since the start of Sec 3, has PASSED! With a C5 I might add.

English Oral was imbarrage! It was Ah crud, its the attack of the Michael Phelps Syndrome. All I can say was that it was cool, like he did upon finding out he had become the winner of the most Olympic golds of all time. Yes, the irony of not being able to say anything now despite owning for oral is not lost on me.

Wait, its coming back now. In a litany of...of... fuck this, it was awesome, lets just leave it at that. Electric guitars playing in my head as I walked out of the library, I did get myself lost on the complicated and poorly explained route out planned by the teachers.

I found myself trying to kick open the mysterious locked door at the third story of a flight of stairs behind the library I never knew existed until then. After some back tracking I finally came across the hidden sign saying "This Way Please" pointing downward which lead me to another three doors, two of which were locked and the last one leading into a surreal and empty hall.

Unable to resist the urge to be a complete jackass on the stage without anyone throwing stuff at me, I ran onto the empty stage and attempted to sing various songs in falsetto voices not unlike Robin Gibb, before accidentally knocking over the "Silence, Examination in Progress" sign with a noisy clang as I grabbed my bag.

Apparently, Kevin Lee had decided to show that he had male hormones in him by talking about how "pretty" one the examiners have been, but who the hell has the time/peace of mind to check out the examiners in a oral exam where you have one shot only and a bad mark will send you down to the pit of you-are-totally-screwed.

Admittedly from what I saw of the other examiners I guess Kevin and Co. weren't far off, though one did look like Melissa Yeo which incited a blood rage to go rip her arm off and proceed to beat her to death with it.