Friday the 13th indeed... Didn't start off too badly at first, getting through Physics period without a scratch, and old Tung confirming my logarithm equation, which means I have just written the eleventh law of logarithm!! Then the crap started, with no one completing the graph test 8( When that horror ended, PE started, and I realized that in anticipation of the match today, I had forgotten to bring PE uniform. I managed to get Andrew to lend me his set on the condition I wouldn't stain it, which wasn't so hard since my class spent PE in the LT because of the rain. Then came chemistry, along with the memory of the chemistry homework I hadn't done yet. Score two for Friday the 13th. The second maths period came with Tung teaching us about cylicparallelograms. While the name certainly sounds cool, learning about them isn't. To top it all off, he taught it right through PSE lesson. 3 for Friday the 13th.
And if that wasn't bad enough, the match was called off because of a lightning storm, but we were still forced to train. Tells quite a bit about Alfred Nathan's intelligence, since we he was saying earlier on that lightning storms have a 6km radius, and we were just over a click from the Police Academy where we were scheduled to play at. We walked, no, waded our way into our new field/swamp to train, and the second stringers like me became cannon fodder for the starting fifteen. Eventually I got to play on the first team when Gabriel left, but I didn't start so well, dropping the first kickoff. The only Sec 4 who really bothers to be nice with me is Dick, some are sympathetic, the rest apathetic.
Word's been going around that I was the student who was reported on the radio for walking on the highway last year. Well, actually it was probably me walking from CJC to the HDB hub cause my ez-link was running low. Its so far spread now that Edmund from 323 asked me on our first encounter "How far did you walk on the highway?" "Far enough to be reported on 97.8" I replied. (I'm not sure what station it was actually, but Nat says it was 98.7)