Well well well, it appears the Blessings Clan have found my blog. Three guesses how. A blog is for divulging personal thoughts and feelings, and so it shall. Since Demongirl is ever so captivated by what I have to say about her, I shall continue.
You fit into the social pariah roles that Sue Townsend creates in quite a few of her books, Marigold Flowers of Adrian Mole and the Weapons of Mass Destruction for one, and the illegitimate child of Camilla and Prince Charles of Queen Camilla. Really, you'd be surprised at the number of people who don't really pay attention to you. But of course, there are others who don't want the peace disturbed, so I shall not crack your little shell of isolation, and dance in delight as the amniotic fluid flows out onto the pavement and watch that helpless form shrivel up in the harsh sun we call reality.
Anyway, while you ponder my last paragraph, I shall move on to other, more important events in the world. Like the protests in Myanmar. The situation has obviously deteriorated , and I heard that a monk and some peaceful protesters have been killed by the junta. Now, Internet access from Myanmar is impossible, and according to the junta government, it is down for maintenance. If by "maintenance" they mean shutting down one of the few ways the foreign reporters and locals can get the true story out of Burma. The world can only hope we don't have another Bloody Sunday on our hands tomorrow, the junta have done it before. I doubt sanctions will really work against the military government, since most of their revenue comes from making cocaine from all their opium poppies anyway.
On a lighter note, I'm looking at a very good chance of an A1 for A Maths. Despite not finishing the proving question, and drawing one graph vertically instead of horizontally, the rest were routine. 70 out of 80 is a reality, but I'll leave a gap of 5 marks, I tend to get careless, and hate false hope. Social Studies, well, never mind. I forgot the last point of both essays, but the Section A was easy enough.
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
What David Dein would call "Irreconcilable Differences"
Jose Mourinho calls it "Mutual Consent". I too have quit like the self dubbed "Special One" from my clan, in probably the same fashion he did. Does anyone honestly believe Mourinho quit quietly?? I'd bet against that, furniture was probably flung around. His departure from Stamford Bridge is a reason to celebrate, since before him, Chelsea were nothing, and probably after him, they'll be nothing as well. Of course, now there will be no one to throw tantrums on the sidelines, break laptop screens, bypass UEFA match bans and sneak more dogs past immigrations.
I too dislodged myself from my clan in a similar fashion. I joined only because of Tim, and my first impressions of them weren't very good already. So finally, I decided I would exit, but while I was at it, spit out all that I thought was just dumb about it. I left a few constructive comments, all written on grenades. Tim thinks my fiery thread was unnecessary, but hey, whats going to happen?? Even if they lived near me, am I supposed to be scared of a bunch of nerds?? I could probably give the more muscular 18 year-old ones in real life a good run for their money.
Reasons why I left
1. Their PKing (Player Killing) strategies as horrible, as well as the Pkers themselves. On my first trip with them, some guy wore metal armour to go maging. For the laymen, thats like wearing a fur coat to go swimming. And they let some stranger join the clan group. Judging by his stats, he could have killed a good number of people if he decided to backstab. Turned out he was a spy for another clan. They spend much of the trip camping at a deserted spot for an hour doing nothing, then getting decimated by a gang of level 100's in less than a minute.
2. Some of their members are real douche bags. One of them, Demongirl, is "socially deprived". Quoted from Timothy. Coming from a guy who exists only to play RuneScape and study, that gives a good idea of how sad she is. For months, she had a crush on Timothy, without ever seeing his face, then cried and whined when she found out he removed her from his friends list because she's such an annoying whore. She skips school to play RuneScape (Oh Sweet Mother Of Christ...), and has that Ryan Singh-ish ability of trying to get attention when in fact everyone just thinks you're an annoying bastard. Judging by the photo she posted, she looked like the girl in Hairspray, but not that fat. Too many jerks for me to list, and the laymen wouldn't understand it anyway.
3. Few people actually took the clan seriously. Plenty of noobs just join and never appear again.
4. They don't enforce clan rules well. The leader, Tiz, is a real life friend to Tim and a nice guy, but you see, thats the problem, he's too nice. He acts like he's running the UN, not a PKing clan.
And what's this?? I hear that some members share my views, though they didn't post it. Of course, they told me in private, and I'm not going to say. I could have toppled the entire social structure and torn the clan apart with certain secret information not known to all, but out of respect to Tim and Tiz, I will not flay the clan apart.
Anyway, its a good thing I quit, exams have finally arrived. I was pretty worried when I woke up with a sore throat, but I still got through the English paper. Wasn't exactly smooth sailing, but it was okay. I hope the teachers don't test out what I wrote in my essay though, I said the cineplex at the HDB hub was teeming with patrons, but in actual fact, its pretty deserted. Then again, this is a theory exam, and since all my reasons prove that theoretically business should be good, I think I'm safe. The campaign has not gotten off to a good start, but don't forget, United's worst start under Sir Alex resulted in them winning the Treble, a feat unrepeated by any club in the world.
I too dislodged myself from my clan in a similar fashion. I joined only because of Tim, and my first impressions of them weren't very good already. So finally, I decided I would exit, but while I was at it, spit out all that I thought was just dumb about it. I left a few constructive comments, all written on grenades. Tim thinks my fiery thread was unnecessary, but hey, whats going to happen?? Even if they lived near me, am I supposed to be scared of a bunch of nerds?? I could probably give the more muscular 18 year-old ones in real life a good run for their money.
Reasons why I left
1. Their PKing (Player Killing) strategies as horrible, as well as the Pkers themselves. On my first trip with them, some guy wore metal armour to go maging. For the laymen, thats like wearing a fur coat to go swimming. And they let some stranger join the clan group. Judging by his stats, he could have killed a good number of people if he decided to backstab. Turned out he was a spy for another clan. They spend much of the trip camping at a deserted spot for an hour doing nothing, then getting decimated by a gang of level 100's in less than a minute.
2. Some of their members are real douche bags. One of them, Demongirl, is "socially deprived". Quoted from Timothy. Coming from a guy who exists only to play RuneScape and study, that gives a good idea of how sad she is. For months, she had a crush on Timothy, without ever seeing his face, then cried and whined when she found out he removed her from his friends list because she's such an annoying whore. She skips school to play RuneScape (Oh Sweet Mother Of Christ...), and has that Ryan Singh-ish ability of trying to get attention when in fact everyone just thinks you're an annoying bastard. Judging by the photo she posted, she looked like the girl in Hairspray, but not that fat. Too many jerks for me to list, and the laymen wouldn't understand it anyway.
3. Few people actually took the clan seriously. Plenty of noobs just join and never appear again.
4. They don't enforce clan rules well. The leader, Tiz, is a real life friend to Tim and a nice guy, but you see, thats the problem, he's too nice. He acts like he's running the UN, not a PKing clan.
And what's this?? I hear that some members share my views, though they didn't post it. Of course, they told me in private, and I'm not going to say. I could have toppled the entire social structure and torn the clan apart with certain secret information not known to all, but out of respect to Tim and Tiz, I will not flay the clan apart.
Anyway, its a good thing I quit, exams have finally arrived. I was pretty worried when I woke up with a sore throat, but I still got through the English paper. Wasn't exactly smooth sailing, but it was okay. I hope the teachers don't test out what I wrote in my essay though, I said the cineplex at the HDB hub was teeming with patrons, but in actual fact, its pretty deserted. Then again, this is a theory exam, and since all my reasons prove that theoretically business should be good, I think I'm safe. The campaign has not gotten off to a good start, but don't forget, United's worst start under Sir Alex resulted in them winning the Treble, a feat unrepeated by any club in the world.
Monday, 24 September 2007
I R A Neanderthal
Despite the final exams being close enough to touch, I volunteered to compile a portfolio for the Goh Sin Tub writing competition. Its an internal competition to honour the late short story writer and alumni, giving out awards to budding writers in the school. From what I heard, the response was not good this year, so, probably in desperation, Mrs. Ang had me compile a portfolio to send in too. Mostly I just put all sorts of old work in, and passed an official looking expository I wrote on my own as homework done last year, and threw in a few personal pieces. I wrote the personal reflection and described myself as a "Neanderthalic eccentric eating machine of a madman". All the traits that good Slummers have!
Since there aren't too many participants, and since my Commonwealth Essay won a Commended, the odds that I'll get something out of all this is pretty good. I spent the first 20 minutes of Lit class hiding under the little alcoves in the room. It reminds me ever so much of that little closet I used to stuff myself into in 202. Until someone threw Zach's diarrhea stained shorts in there. Even Slummer must draw the line somewhere. Eventually, I decided to pop out, dying to see the shocked look on Mrs Ang's face on my sudden appearance at my seat. She apparently didn't notice.
With the FYE drawing closer, I must make preparations for my campaign. Got 4 A1s to sustain in both maths and sciences, and hopefully grab one more in English.
Since there aren't too many participants, and since my Commonwealth Essay won a Commended, the odds that I'll get something out of all this is pretty good. I spent the first 20 minutes of Lit class hiding under the little alcoves in the room. It reminds me ever so much of that little closet I used to stuff myself into in 202. Until someone threw Zach's diarrhea stained shorts in there. Even Slummer must draw the line somewhere. Eventually, I decided to pop out, dying to see the shocked look on Mrs Ang's face on my sudden appearance at my seat. She apparently didn't notice.
With the FYE drawing closer, I must make preparations for my campaign. Got 4 A1s to sustain in both maths and sciences, and hopefully grab one more in English.
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Here is where I leave fantasy, yesterday and tomorrow for now, and step back into the reality of today
Finally, I am back in my own home, with technology. The novelty of staying with my grandparents and being sent to school in a cab wore off in about two days. I sneaked back home a few times to live in the 21 century. Physics and Chem SPA went okay, though I hope they really deduct just one mark for inaccuracy of your results.
Anyway, another brilliant idea from the Arts Department had all the even numbered classes being packed off to the Esplanade to immerse us in the world of arts by sending us to some funny theatrical performance. Okay, lets examine this right. Its after school, its a topic which a good majority of the school population, or all of it I dare say, couldn't give a crap about, and it lasts till 6. If we weren't forced to go, I doubt anyone would have. But someone high up in admin felt that this might actually be a good idea to expose our boys to the arts!! As Damien (Botak) said "I'd rather have studied." Please, does anyone in our school actually want to go for such a career?? Personally, I feel there's a big difference between movies and the theatre. Sure, they both about stories and having a good time, but most movie directors in Hollywood come up with stuff that the ordinary man can understand. But how the hell are we supposed to appreciate some guy hopping on one foot around a box with some weird ass costume that looks like it came from the Twilight Zone??
90% would vote "WTF?", while the other 10% won't even bother to vote. Yes, I hate a good portion of art. Especially abstract and surrealism. If that canvas full of haphazardly thrown paint can be a show piece, the guys who spray graffiti at the void decks are the new Van Gogh's. Like music, art was better in the old days. Who doesn't enjoy looking at Van Gogh's painting of a field of sunflowers??
Right, I'll stop spamming the art world here, and get on with the trip. I got a few photos.

This is Kevin being crazy

This is Bryant simply oozing enthusiasm about this field trip

A typical scene on any school bus
A little smaller than what we expected
After a bag check I could have sneaked a few grenades through, we finally settled into the theatre. Whole thing was called forum acting or something of the like, and the audience is supposed to come up with suggestions to advert tragedy. And we kept getting showed up by the other school that was there.
After ending that "lovely" episode we were led around the Esplanade by a guy named Raven. He blew at us halfway, something about "I talk, you listen, school uniform, honour, da da da." Idealism is for the naive. Even Mr. Tung didn't chew us out, so I guess we were at least decently behaved. Though, I'd be angry, emo and lash out at life if my parents named me Raven. Just to spite him, I tried to take a photo of the Concert Hall when he said no photography. Too bad Ms Yam was watching, so I couldn't line up a good shot. Hey, I saw at least 2 camera flashes okay??
And there's Damien's testimonial. Once all that was over, I was too impatient to get to the Subway, and was hungry enough to eat Khai Sam, but then I remembered he ran on nuclear power. Although we initially dragged Ryn and Khai Sam along, they suddenly remembered they were out of money, so we let them off. I swear, there are few things on Earth that are better than a foot long Subway Melt.......
If only Sam was there... But his dental appointment tragically happened to be at the exact same time as field trip, so to make sure he didn't miss out, I filled in a survey form, and wrote his name on it 8 ).
Anyway, another brilliant idea from the Arts Department had all the even numbered classes being packed off to the Esplanade to immerse us in the world of arts by sending us to some funny theatrical performance. Okay, lets examine this right. Its after school, its a topic which a good majority of the school population, or all of it I dare say, couldn't give a crap about, and it lasts till 6. If we weren't forced to go, I doubt anyone would have. But someone high up in admin felt that this might actually be a good idea to expose our boys to the arts!! As Damien (Botak) said "I'd rather have studied." Please, does anyone in our school actually want to go for such a career?? Personally, I feel there's a big difference between movies and the theatre. Sure, they both about stories and having a good time, but most movie directors in Hollywood come up with stuff that the ordinary man can understand. But how the hell are we supposed to appreciate some guy hopping on one foot around a box with some weird ass costume that looks like it came from the Twilight Zone??
90% would vote "WTF?", while the other 10% won't even bother to vote. Yes, I hate a good portion of art. Especially abstract and surrealism. If that canvas full of haphazardly thrown paint can be a show piece, the guys who spray graffiti at the void decks are the new Van Gogh's. Like music, art was better in the old days. Who doesn't enjoy looking at Van Gogh's painting of a field of sunflowers??
Right, I'll stop spamming the art world here, and get on with the trip. I got a few photos.

This is Kevin being crazy

This is Bryant simply oozing enthusiasm about this field trip

A typical scene on any school bus

A little smaller than what we expected
After a bag check I could have sneaked a few grenades through, we finally settled into the theatre. Whole thing was called forum acting or something of the like, and the audience is supposed to come up with suggestions to advert tragedy. And we kept getting showed up by the other school that was there.
After ending that "lovely" episode we were led around the Esplanade by a guy named Raven. He blew at us halfway, something about "I talk, you listen, school uniform, honour, da da da." Idealism is for the naive. Even Mr. Tung didn't chew us out, so I guess we were at least decently behaved. Though, I'd be angry, emo and lash out at life if my parents named me Raven. Just to spite him, I tried to take a photo of the Concert Hall when he said no photography. Too bad Ms Yam was watching, so I couldn't line up a good shot. Hey, I saw at least 2 camera flashes okay??
And there's Damien's testimonial. Once all that was over, I was too impatient to get to the Subway, and was hungry enough to eat Khai Sam, but then I remembered he ran on nuclear power. Although we initially dragged Ryn and Khai Sam along, they suddenly remembered they were out of money, so we let them off. I swear, there are few things on Earth that are better than a foot long Subway Melt.......
If only Sam was there... But his dental appointment tragically happened to be at the exact same time as field trip, so to make sure he didn't miss out, I filled in a survey form, and wrote his name on it 8 ).
Sunday, 2 September 2007
No fatalities
The guys have returned from OBS Singapore with no casualties. Yes, even Timothy survived the ordeal, which means it can't have been that bad. Of course, Bryant returned to civilization and discovered that the resulting soap suds from his first bath in 5 days were "fecking gray".
The holidays have begun once again (YAY!!!). Unfortunately this time, its only for one week, and from there on its a two week dash before the final year exams, so its more of a break really. With any luck, I'll be able to retain this year's Term 3's academic form and finish off the year on a high note for the first time in a long while.
Still, with my parents out of the country and leaving me, once again, with free reign over the place for the next week, I'll make the most out of it. Hopefully I'll remember to do all that holiday homework and not forget about it, crash in the FYE and curse myself a month or so from now.
Should be especially free, since the Vice Principal called for an immediate CCA stand down, so they have no reason to drag us down to training during the holidays. I actually kind of miss training now. No more running head along into quivering juniors with only a pad of sponge protecting them and all that. Don't miss the mud though, thats for sure. I stopped going for C division training since all the senior B guys down around there is chuck a few balls at each other. Not exactly entertaining, or beneficial for that matter.
Anyway, I felt it was rather foolish of me not to write a short intro for Macon and Drool, and that simply throwing them in was a bad idea, so I've composed a small interview with them.
Macon and Drool interview
Macon : Hi there!! Say hello to the nice people in the real world Drool!!
Drool : Woof??
Macon : He's a little slow on the uptake, don't mind him. Anyway, since our creator is a messy, chaotic person who wanders around in his own world half the time Drool and I have had to do this interview ourselves.
Interviewer : So, tell us about yourself and this whole story Macon
Macon : The name's Macon Frigs, and you all know about the liberation and the war and all. We were actually on the back burner of our creator's mind for quite awhile, but since he's a lazy asshole as well as a messy one, we didn't get created till now. Hopefully, this storyline won't end up a mess of cheesy shorts, but the creator has his moments of genius at times like Slummers, so hopefully that won't happen. There's not much to say about me, since the story has progressed a grand total of one short, aside from the fact that I have very little social awareness at times. [Drool attempts to ingest a nearby chair]
Interviewer : Drool's rather....Erm... Hungry...
Macon : Yeah, thats Drool for you. Monstrosities eat anything like us, so they make great pets and companions, despite the fact they were originally designed as ferocious and near indestructible biological weapons to tear enemy soldiers apart and eat them limb by limb. [Takes out a bottle of mayo with strange stuff inside it and offers it to the interviewer] Want some?? The sawdust gives it a really nice crunchy feel.
Interviewer : No thanks... Are you sure Drool is safe to be around?? [By now Drool
has finished ingesting the chair and is starting on a potted plant]
Macon : Yeah, Drool's pretty tame for a Monstrosity. The can form a few words, but they bark and woof like normal dogs half the time.
Drool : Rargth!! Regetables!! [Spits out the plant]
Macon : Well, as long as you aren't carrying any cheese on you, they love cheese
Interviewer : You mean like this cheddar cheese I picked up just now??
Drool : Chrezee!!! [Leaps at Interviewer]
Interviewer : AH!!! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!
Macon : Bad Drool, you don't eat the nice interviewer!! Spit him out now!! You stupid glob of living mayo, spit him out this instan.....erp!! What going on now?? Drool, what you eating?? [Macon has apparently lapsed back into retard mode]
Interviewer : ARGH!!! [Struggles to get out but to no avail]
(End of interview)
The holidays have begun once again (YAY!!!). Unfortunately this time, its only for one week, and from there on its a two week dash before the final year exams, so its more of a break really. With any luck, I'll be able to retain this year's Term 3's academic form and finish off the year on a high note for the first time in a long while.
Still, with my parents out of the country and leaving me, once again, with free reign over the place for the next week, I'll make the most out of it. Hopefully I'll remember to do all that holiday homework and not forget about it, crash in the FYE and curse myself a month or so from now.
Should be especially free, since the Vice Principal called for an immediate CCA stand down, so they have no reason to drag us down to training during the holidays. I actually kind of miss training now. No more running head along into quivering juniors with only a pad of sponge protecting them and all that. Don't miss the mud though, thats for sure. I stopped going for C division training since all the senior B guys down around there is chuck a few balls at each other. Not exactly entertaining, or beneficial for that matter.
Anyway, I felt it was rather foolish of me not to write a short intro for Macon and Drool, and that simply throwing them in was a bad idea, so I've composed a small interview with them.
Macon and Drool interview
Macon : Hi there!! Say hello to the nice people in the real world Drool!!
Drool : Woof??
Macon : He's a little slow on the uptake, don't mind him. Anyway, since our creator is a messy, chaotic person who wanders around in his own world half the time Drool and I have had to do this interview ourselves.
Interviewer : So, tell us about yourself and this whole story Macon
Macon : The name's Macon Frigs, and you all know about the liberation and the war and all. We were actually on the back burner of our creator's mind for quite awhile, but since he's a lazy asshole as well as a messy one, we didn't get created till now. Hopefully, this storyline won't end up a mess of cheesy shorts, but the creator has his moments of genius at times like Slummers, so hopefully that won't happen. There's not much to say about me, since the story has progressed a grand total of one short, aside from the fact that I have very little social awareness at times. [Drool attempts to ingest a nearby chair]
Interviewer : Drool's rather....Erm... Hungry...
Macon : Yeah, thats Drool for you. Monstrosities eat anything like us, so they make great pets and companions, despite the fact they were originally designed as ferocious and near indestructible biological weapons to tear enemy soldiers apart and eat them limb by limb. [Takes out a bottle of mayo with strange stuff inside it and offers it to the interviewer] Want some?? The sawdust gives it a really nice crunchy feel.
Interviewer : No thanks... Are you sure Drool is safe to be around?? [By now Drool
has finished ingesting the chair and is starting on a potted plant]
Macon : Yeah, Drool's pretty tame for a Monstrosity. The can form a few words, but they bark and woof like normal dogs half the time.
Drool : Rargth!! Regetables!! [Spits out the plant]
Macon : Well, as long as you aren't carrying any cheese on you, they love cheese
Interviewer : You mean like this cheddar cheese I picked up just now??
Drool : Chrezee!!! [Leaps at Interviewer]
Interviewer : AH!!! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!!!
Macon : Bad Drool, you don't eat the nice interviewer!! Spit him out now!! You stupid glob of living mayo, spit him out this instan.....erp!! What going on now?? Drool, what you eating?? [Macon has apparently lapsed back into retard mode]
Interviewer : ARGH!!! [Struggles to get out but to no avail]
(End of interview)
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