Monday 24 September 2007

I R A Neanderthal

Despite the final exams being close enough to touch, I volunteered to compile a portfolio for the Goh Sin Tub writing competition. Its an internal competition to honour the late short story writer and alumni, giving out awards to budding writers in the school. From what I heard, the response was not good this year, so, probably in desperation, Mrs. Ang had me compile a portfolio to send in too. Mostly I just put all sorts of old work in, and passed an official looking expository I wrote on my own as homework done last year, and threw in a few personal pieces. I wrote the personal reflection and described myself as a "Neanderthalic eccentric eating machine of a madman". All the traits that good Slummers have!

Since there aren't too many participants, and since my Commonwealth Essay won a Commended, the odds that I'll get something out of all this is pretty good. I spent the first 20 minutes of Lit class hiding under the little alcoves in the room. It reminds me ever so much of that little closet I used to stuff myself into in 202. Until someone threw Zach's diarrhea stained shorts in there. Even Slummer must draw the line somewhere. Eventually, I decided to pop out, dying to see the shocked look on Mrs Ang's face on my sudden appearance at my seat. She apparently didn't notice.

With the FYE drawing closer, I must make preparations for my campaign. Got 4 A1s to sustain in both maths and sciences, and hopefully grab one more in English.

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