Anyway, another brilliant idea from the Arts Department had all the even numbered classes being packed off to the Esplanade to immerse us in the world of arts by sending us to some funny theatrical performance. Okay, lets examine this right. Its after school, its a topic which a good majority of the school population, or all of it I dare say, couldn't give a crap about, and it lasts till 6. If we weren't forced to go, I doubt anyone would have. But someone high up in admin felt that this might actually be a good idea to expose our boys to the arts!! As Damien (Botak) said "I'd rather have studied." Please, does anyone in our school actually want to go for such a career?? Personally, I feel there's a big difference between movies and the theatre. Sure, they both about stories and having a good time, but most movie directors in Hollywood come up with stuff that the ordinary man can understand. But how the hell are we supposed to appreciate some guy hopping on one foot around a box with some weird ass costume that looks like it came from the Twilight Zone??
90% would vote "WTF?", while the other 10% won't even bother to vote. Yes, I hate a good portion of art. Especially abstract and surrealism. If that canvas full of haphazardly thrown paint can be a show piece, the guys who spray graffiti at the void decks are the new Van Gogh's. Like music, art was better in the old days. Who doesn't enjoy looking at Van Gogh's painting of a field of sunflowers??
Right, I'll stop spamming the art world here, and get on with the trip. I got a few photos.

This is Kevin being crazy

This is Bryant simply oozing enthusiasm about this field trip

A typical scene on any school bus

A little smaller than what we expected
After a bag check I could have sneaked a few grenades through, we finally settled into the theatre. Whole thing was called forum acting or something of the like, and the audience is supposed to come up with suggestions to advert tragedy. And we kept getting showed up by the other school that was there.
After ending that "lovely" episode we were led around the Esplanade by a guy named Raven. He blew at us halfway, something about "I talk, you listen, school uniform, honour, da da da." Idealism is for the naive. Even Mr. Tung didn't chew us out, so I guess we were at least decently behaved. Though, I'd be angry, emo and lash out at life if my parents named me Raven. Just to spite him, I tried to take a photo of the Concert Hall when he said no photography. Too bad Ms Yam was watching, so I couldn't line up a good shot. Hey, I saw at least 2 camera flashes okay??
And there's Damien's testimonial. Once all that was over, I was too impatient to get to the Subway, and was hungry enough to eat Khai Sam, but then I remembered he ran on nuclear power. Although we initially dragged Ryn and Khai Sam along, they suddenly remembered they were out of money, so we let them off. I swear, there are few things on Earth that are better than a foot long Subway Melt.......
If only Sam was there... But his dental appointment tragically happened to be at the exact same time as field trip, so to make sure he didn't miss out, I filled in a survey form, and wrote his name on it 8 ).
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Well written article.
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