Friday 13 February 2009

101th Post

Wow, looking back at post 100, that was a pretty emo post. What a way to mark the century post, though I never, ever delete posts. Just a policy thing.

Right, I guess it's time for the explanation for the previous post.

Ahem. The previous incident has been resolved on all sides, and has been considered to be settled by all parties with no further comment.

Typical politician's answer, if I might say so myself.

Well, Week 2 has come to a close, and Destiny has kindly allowed any remaining problems I have remaining to be deflected by mein apathy shield!

Okay fine, not really, the lack of time is a bitch. Okay, not really the lack of it. Because I've been so enthusiastic in signing up early with the rugby team, I get back at around 10 most days. I haven't even had time to use Frank properly yet!

Oh yes, Frank. That'll be the computer I built. After Frankenstein. My nerd side cries in agony. Frank has been sitting under my desk for a week now, and I've done little with it save checking my email.

Like having the ability to telekinetically lift cars and tear them in half, but all I've done so far is open cans with it... The horror of it all, I can't imagine what'll happen when the homework starts coming in...

Time seems to turn up at all the wrong spots, in all the wrong quantities in AC. I will pack 4 lectures consecutively, and suddenly, I'm home free at 1130. Good huh? So what happens if I have to stay back until 5 for training?

A grand total of 6 hours. Weet, what do I with it? Okay fine, most hardworking people would point at that and say

"IDIOT! Homework goes HERE!"

Which is true really. And I honestly tried that. I got to page 17 in my H2 Chem notes (Lecture is still at 7...), something of the like with H2 Maths, tried to understand why the hell it's so hard to just to tell people "Money is exchanged for goods and services, and using 1 trillion dollars to give every American 600 Subway Subs, and iPod and a pair of Ginsu knives is just dumb," and why they've got to do it in about 3000+ words.

And guess what? It was still one-thirty, and all I succeeded in was looking like a closet mugger who's come into the open. Okay, it gave me the chance to pay attention more in Chem...wait no...less busy...not really...Damn, what benefit has it brought me?

Let's see...I spent enough time staring at the back of Rachel's head to realize she dyed streaks into it, had it curled at the ends at one point, doesn't really bother with neatness, and has birthmark at base of neck?

Too many details, I know, and don't worry Rachel, not stalking you!

Okay, that goes into the "Nolelele NO!" catergory. It'll be useful later on I'm sure, but we live in the present, and it needs fixing.

Not enough to go back home, too much to pass quickly, too much to fill completely with homework (At least for now).

-Gym? Possibly for the last hour or two before training starts, which leaves me with 4 hours.

-Library? Sorry, Oldham Library still feels like a step down from SJI's Beurel....Especially content-wise...

-Eat? You're kidding right? I'm 85kg right now, bad idea...

-Sleep? Where? Yet to find a good place to crash out. Bad idea anyway.

- Stare into the air and contemplate the meaning of life? Hmm, interesting, except for the fact that I know the meaning of life already. It's 42. Everyone knows that.

-Use sugar that Mivio gave me with the matches she gave Caleb to make caramel? Caramel good... But caramel is one-use-only. Dammit!

That's it, I'm out of ideas. Time has lost it's ability to come WHEN NEEDED in the right amounts for me, and it's coming up at all the wrong times, causing me to trip over it.

Sort of like me now in rugby. Rusty as hell now, dropping passes like nuts, the new guy telling me to be more aggresive and...

WAIT! Bad Cheng Heng! Enough problems for the week! ONE AT ZE TIME! NO MORE FOR TONIGHT!

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