Thursday 14 February 2008

Love hurts, some Valentine's...

Well, its bad day. Following on the back of another bad day, which started off with me, and 50 other Sec 4 guys getting screwed over by Mr. Liew for not bringing our thermometers. He was in a rather creative mood that morning, making us run a couple of times back and forth to the tennis court and making us squat while attempting (emphasis on attempting) to drill in the seriousness of the situation, and made us write a reflection of what would happen if bird flu did come to Singapore. He didn't green form us because they ran out of green forms, all of them having been used on the previous levels.

I spammed everything I saw from all the documentaries of epidemics from the Discovery Channel and NatGeo for that reflection, throwing in everything from Variola Major (More commonly known as smallpox) to Vietnamese duck blood pudding (I swear that exists). Speaking of the Vietnamese, a couple of Sec 3s mistook me for a Vietnamese scholar. Okay, I may have lived 3 years in Vietnam, but that shouldn't have any bearing on how I look should it?? Not that thats a bad thing, seen from another angle it could mean I look intelligent. Well, I am packing comparable brain power the real McCoys tote around. Okay, that sounded narcissistic, I know.

Anyway, back to my bad day. After giving myself a mental pat on the back for remembering my thermometer today, I realized I had forgotten to photostat my IC for the O-Level registration...

My Lit presentation looked like crap in comparison to the other ones... Damn, hate that feeling...

And after that, Shen Shin continued his run of reminding me of my loss to him at Dark Crusade for the 11th day in the running now, which is every day after the match. Got into another argument when the prick mentioned Eldar are only good for using excess bolter rounds on. Some good came out of these endless arguments for once.

SS : What possessed you to attack my base in the Eye Of Gorgon and in Eden? Did you actually think you could win??

Me : My Farseer.... got something in his inner eye, so he didn't see it coming.

The argument then went on to his Communist sympathies. He of course, used the old claim that he was an idealist, not a Communist.

Me : Commie
SS : I'm not a Communist, I'm a idealist
Me : Fascist
SS : Communism isn't fascism
Me : The way Joe Stalin ran Russia, it sure was, one man in charge.
SS : See, Communism, in its ideals, is good....
Me : Same could be said for fascism. Everything is good ideally

Coincidentally, it was English, and it just so happened our Commonwealth and
expository essays came back, so our argument switched to that... Shen Shin, the competitive freak he was, was out to compare marks in no time. Its somewhere around here he reminds me I lost an 8 point lead in Unreal to him to lose the game.
SS : How much did you get??
Me : 24, see, Eldar are a good essay topic
SS : Let me see that... Wait, you wrote out of point
Me : Did not. What did you get
SS : 20...

And he calls me a sore loser. It stretched on to comparing our English marks last year.... We both got 21 for the expository.

Anyway, already pretty pissed off at the day's downs and the fact that I couldn't think of anything to write for Valentine's Day, I discovered Shen Shin had actually detailed my losses on Eden on Bryant's blog. Twice. With the purpose of "annoying me"

You see, this is why I never warmed up to Shen Shin. He will obstinately defend his own views right or wrong, turn both eyes away from any losses he has, and force people to turn three on his wins. Its not the first Valentine's he's mucked up for me. I remember him forcing his way to take a look at Night Sky while I was writing it last year, and him snatching it from me to read it after RME. I had to dive bomb him with my pencil case from the second floor to the first to get it back.

Just to annoy him in case he's reading

1st A Maths test
Me : 25/25
SS : Single digit score

2nd A Maths test
Me : 18.5/25
SS : 10/25

Vector test
Me : 17.5/25
SS : 8/25

Me : 24/30
SS : 20/30

And since he so wishes to bring last year's results to the table too...

FYE 2007
Me : L1R5 = 13
SS : L1R5 = >20

If I may say so, pwned. Bitch.

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