Saturday 30 June 2007

Back to reality

Well, the holidays are over, but the transition back to school wasn't that painful. Had a slight problem when the school computers weren't advanced enough open my homework cause I saved everything in Office Windows 2007, but other than that, not much. Eric Lam was in an uncommonly good mood on Thursday. He smiled throughout the class, and even laughed a few times, which nearly never happens with him and our class.

Miss Matthews has left the school for some unknown reason (No teacher will tell us why), leaving 422 without a form tutor and us without a history teacher. Her departure has thrown the class timetables in disarray, as the school couldn't find a replacement teacher in the middle of the year, and they had to change teachers and rearrange schedules to fit. While I was rather disappointed to lose a good teacher like that, at least her stand-in Miss Lee is pretty decent herself, though she enforces a strange punishment of buying a pad of foolscap paper if one doesn't do her homework, and once 4 or so pads are collected, the foolscap is shared out with the rest of the class. They entrusted me with looking after the foolscap, though some are afraid I might eat it lol...

Also, the teachers in the English department have decided to swap classes temporarily, so now we have Mrs Ang for English as well until next Tuesday (wee-woot!!!). We spent today listening to U2 and Black Eyed Peas during English, and though we were only supposed to watch Where is the Love and Miss Sarajevo for their anti-racism and peace themes, we quickly convinced Mrs Ang to let us watch more.

Since we were doing PE in the gym today, I took advantage of the floor mats to learn how to do a bicycle kick. I have no idea why I have this sudden urge to learn Pele's signature move despite the fact Slummers are not very acrobatic creatures. After a few rather painful failures, I could pull half a decent overhead kick, but not very high. I don't think I'm doing it right though. Once I learn it though, I'm going to try and pull it off at every opportunity. Of course, as long as it doesn't leave friction burns the size of my palm like slide tackling, thats the last time I do one on the track. Everyone says my slide tackling would be terrific, if only I actually hit the guy. Just trying not to slice the guy down too bad, I could do some serious damage if I did it wrong on someone.

Some stepped on my hand in training. It hurt......

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