Thursday 31 December 2009

For One More Day

Micro : Clear!


Micro : Clear!


Okay, just resurrected my blog. And the title has nothing to do with the fact that it's the last day of 2009.

Two more days actually, since we all stayed over at Sam's place when he got back from Australia.

The usual merry band was supposed to arrive, but I came early, so only Sam Wang had turned up.

Most of us were pretty rusty, having not held a controller in...almost a year in some cases. (Sam forgot how to reload in Gears)

Me and Sam started off trying to finish Overwatch on Veteran level, where one of us rides an A130 while covering the other guy on the ground while he makes his escape.

But we eventually gave up after 20 or so tries, mostly due to our poor coordination as well as the fact that neither of us could resist making the guy on the ground dance with the A130's 40mm grenade launchers.

It all went downhill after that though.

We all trooped to dinner defeated men. Bryant and Sam failed to get anything out of 3 hours playing Spec Ops, Moses and I couldn't find anything we could play together and not get owned at, and Mark was looking for cover after forgetting to bring Bryant's Mirror's Edge, a year after he borrowed it.

Because Mark arrived we had enough people to play Halo 3, which I've gottten pretty good at for no apparent reason, though when we reached Valhalla it all degenerated into Moses trying to run people over with the vehicles and me waiting in the skies with a Banshee and challenging him to a dogfight.

By 1 in the morning however, we hit the same problem we had in the afternoon. We had given up playing Horde mode, Rainbow Six was being uncooperative by not letting us play co-op, while Chris and Moses had to go home because they couldn't stay over. We eventually did something we had sworn we would, but never did during similar sleepovers.

We watched the Futurama movies Sam Wang had been bringing for the last 2 years.

Futurama...I wonder why I never started watching it in the first place, though the movie's liberal use of time travel made the whole story pretty confusing.

I played Dead Space until 5 in the morning when I realized everyone had fallen asleep.

Meaning I was alone, and unlike Isaac, did not posses a plasma cutter, a RiG or hobnailed boots for stepping on necromorphs. Keeping a close watch on any vents in the room I quickly turned off the 360 before hiding under my blanket. With the two cans of Spam I brought but never got a chance to open.

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