Tuesday 10 March 2009

Round and Round the Merry-Go-Round

The mood of the day goes, from good to bad and back again about a million times.

It's currently on the bad cycle. It's the NE poster thing's fault. Photos of the mass rallies during orientation were harder to find than I thought. Where are all the camwhores of the school when you really need them... With approximately 10 hours before school restarts again, I apparently, am in crisis. I currently have a few options

1) Grab any bunch of photos I can find, and alter my group's poster thingy to fit the bill

2) Simply go to sleep and throw something together from what we have tomorrow.

3) Wait for inspiration to hit me.

Option 1) looks possible. Option 2) is the route I'd have taken in another totally different set of conditions, if I knew everyone else's filed this in their heads the same way I do (Things no one cares about.), but I'm not sure if it is. I've trodden on enough toes as it is.

Option 3) however...

Is how many of my magna opera came to be, my Commonwealth credited essay, Chapters 1-2 and most of my powerpoints. A lot of my best work is forcibly dragged out of my head and onto paper/keyboard in these moments.

But I'm coming up with nothin----

"Stop the car!" *SCREECH!!!* "Look at that beauty, get me sack and noose Terri!"


"Gorgeous! Look at that blighter!"

Amazing. I have just found and abducted a photo suiting our needs Steve Irwin style on maniAC! I need to do this more often...

I will never doubt the power of the internetz again!

My posts are becoming shorter and more weird than usual. Uh-oh...

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