Monday 2 June 2008

This is NARNIA!

Chris, Sam Wang and Mark invited me to watch Prince Caspian with them since they had an extra ticket and pale Sam couldn't make it. And they've all changed quite a bit since I last saw them, which was... late last year I think. Mark cut his hair short (Probably the reason why he wore the hood), Chris lost 20kg (WTF?!?!), and Sam Wang, well, okay, he still looks the same.

Anyway, we waited at Chris's place while waiting for Sam, before he eventually told us to meet him at Lido, where we went to Pepper Steak for lunch. If that place wasn't so damned expensive, I'd got there everyday. So we chatted as we ate, they asked me what Sam got up to in school and weasel out his results, I asked them what life was like in an IS, so on and so forth.

Since the thing was a fund raising event by Chris's church (I think), it came bundled with a couple of things, a Narnia goodie bag for one. Mark and I tried fruitlessly to play the kazoo that came with it. I'm sure it was broken, some 5 year old kid behind me figured out how to play it.

And I finally found another person who doesn't mind talking in the middle of a movie. Sam Wang and I were going on non stop about how buggy Soulstorm was (He's trying to find a crack for it, so we can pass the disc around like a hookah) and how the kids in Narnia have a SHITLOAD of plot armour. I mean, how the hell does a 14 year old girl like Susan dash into the middle of a melee fight with nought but a bow, and beat full grown soldiers to death with it?

Anyway, there was one scene where they showed a close of Susan in one of them medieval dresses...

Sam : Hehe, clevage.
Chris : Don't go on much do you?

And another one

(After Lucy wakes up from her dream)
Me : See, thats what happens when you use marijuana leaves for kindling.
Chris : So what about the rest of their dreams?
Me : Well...Lucy's was the only one that could be rated PG.

Sam and I came up with a couple suggestions to be inserted into the movie. During the movie, much to the chagrin of Mark and Chris. It should be renamed Chronicles of Narnia : When Nature Strikes Back!

(Scene with the Telmarine king Miraz after losing the duel, kneeling on the floor)
Miraz : This is madness!
Peter : Madness?!
(Kicks him into the giant pit the centaurs made on their way out)

(Aslan opens a portal to transport Telmarines who want to leave Narnia back to their original home, the real world, by opening a hole in a tree. Which coincidentally leads off a cliff)

Villager : What if it leads us to our doom?!
Peter : We'll go

(The four step through, go through to the other side, and fall off the cliff)

Aslan : Wait a minute...

(Leafs through Portal Opening For Dummies)

Aslan : *Facepalm*

Well, despite Aslan bringing all the trees to life to fight the Telmarines in a very Helm's Deep like manner, we all felt the pressing need to see a battle of epic proportions. And where does one find that? LAN of course. So we all took a train to Dhoby Ghout to get to Paradiz.

Unfortunately, the weather decided to be asshat and rain, but we all stoically marched forward with the single minded aim of reaching the LAN center at Paradiz. Okay, Sam Wang had an umbrella, but in the end, he put it away so he could suffer with us like brudders! Or Communists, as Chris mentioned.

Bryant came along as well, but we gave up on Dark Crusade there since only Tau and Necrons were available, so we just played COD4 instead since Chris had bad experiences with Quake 4. Never play with pale Sam on your first time, its very, very demoralizing.

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