Saturday 28 June 2008

I Am A Crazed Gunman

Quote of the Day : Hey guys, if you unscramble Oberon, you get Bonero!


Chinese Oral was bad today, at least everyone else thought it was hard, but not to worry, I'm not going to run through the school gunning down helpless students in my fury (Though I will be very tempted to do so if I dent my Chinese O-Level because of it, and I happen to locate an old Soviet munitions dump with RPDs in it.)

If all turns out well (Or unwell, depending on your perspective), someone, somewhere will notice the title, think I'm another insane Asian teenager who'll go do a Seung-Hui Cho and shoot, maim and kill random innocent bystanders like that Japanese guy who I can't remember the name of.

Of course, that someone somewhere will probably call the police or something of the like to stop Columbine III, and I'll probably be arrested and severely interrogated like one girl who pretending to be a crazed gunman(gunwoman, gunperson?) to get more hits on her site.


Call of Duty 4

The problem is though, I am a crazed gunman. In COD4 at least. Ask all the walls I filled with lead.

I managed to convince my brother to split the cost of buying COD4 for PC, and while I can only run the thing at Low setting, the graphics are still looking plenty l33t to me, and it doesn't lag. And before anyone else asks, unless I'm *really* motivated to go for some reason, I'm not paying to play COD4 at a LAN center.

My first hours on the multiplayer were quite miserable though. Perhaps I shouldn't have entered a 24 player free-for-all map at level 1 when everyone else was using P90's and Martyrdom (which is basically being as cheap as a two dollar whore) on a server I had 300 ping on.

Things started to sort themselves out after I got my RPD and stuck to team games, which is not to say easier, since with team games when one side is dominating, you get carpet bombed every 15 seconds.

Eventually I found a Singaporean server (YES!!), though my team got owned so bad by this guy called g0dspeed that we were dead again before our bodies from our previous deaths turned cold. I now have a new respect for MP5's with silencers and the UAV Jammer perk.

The Spetnaz winning tune (Their anthem I presume) is pretty darn cool!

Almost beat the crap out of Adhitya today. I basically lifted by the collar till Sam Chou pulled me away before I got started. He's got an annoying as fuck tendency to add useless/offensive/annoying/plain stupid things into someone else's conversations, like those forum trolls you always want to brain with an ice cream scoop, but never get the chance to. I was pretty cheesed off and tired after the floorball game today, I was dealing with Kevin who was angry with me for hurting his thumb because he punched me and cracked it, so yeah, by the time Adhitya came over to be the social pariah he is, I was ready to break backs and snap necks.

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