Thursday 24 April 2008

Literature Festival = Zzzzzz

I didn't exactly enjoy it. They made me wake up early on a Saturday, the fiends... Anyway, my parents sent Bryant and I over to St Nicks after breakfast. Luckily everyone had from our school had decided to stand right at the entrance, so we didn't have to look around for them.

And thats about all I remember!! Why?? Because I wasn't lucid for most of it.

Bryant : Why does everyone shut up when I turn the camera on???
Jem : Okay, HI! Boner!
Me : You mah hoe!
Bryant : Astounding maturity.

Well, Bryant's video kinda jolted the memories. And thats what me and Jem pretty much did, after Sam left for a "dental" appointment.

Wait, its all coming back to me now....

We were eventually ushered into a lecture theater much like the one at CHIJ KC (Wonder if they all hired the same architect?) where we waited for close to half an hour for the speaker to actually arrive. We got an introduction to lit by a teacher who obviously did not take lit, before the speaker finally arrived. Can't remember her name, but she had the same surname as Ruizhi.

Anyway, me, Ken, Jem, Arun, Bryant and Sam(At first) were reduced to playing Ghost to stave off the encroaching boredom. Sam left around this time for his "dental" appointment, and after Ghost round 9834, me and Ken even discussed RuneScape openly. Normally, players have to keep this a secret since we are persecuted by SOME people for playing it (UBCS suck!!), and practice it like the Freemason religion.

During the break, we did walk around the place, remarking why the hell they had 3 pianos and a PMS room. Luke tried to prank call from their payphone.

Then came the presentations from all the other schools. Apparently, I failed to make known earlier that there were quite a few.

Well, they weren't all bad. Wait, the Gan Eng Seng one was a bit on the ePiC FaIl side. They came in their blazers and all, but their presentation was only as good as the one my group cobbled together in an hour to prevent BAng from toasting our butts over a fire. And one of them pronounced Atticus as "Ah-tticus". They counted Tom Robinson as a minor character for some reason, and said his trial was the climax in To Kill A Mockingbird.

In Lit class

Me : Mrs Ang, doesn't this book climax multiple times??

Mrs Ang : Yah, like a woman right?

And I thought only Ms Lee did that kind of thing...

Amos's group did a pretty okay job, I actually paid conscious attention to them, which is more than I can really say for some of the other groups.

Chris Gonzali and Liwei's presentation really took the cake though. They opened up with music video. Their theme was on domination in Midsummers Night Dream. The whole thing screamed !EMO!, and maybe they shouldn't have delved so deeply into the masochism bit, but they were easily the best group there. Attention grabbing, if a bit too provocative, and definitely having a good stance, it was made of win.

Went for lunch after that at AMK hub, using my Subway sense to guide our merry band of Kevin, Bryant, Joshua, Jem and I to the Subway there. Of course....

Kevin : Its full...
Me : Apparently...
Kevin : Maybe we can trade. I know, we'll trade anyone who gives up their table Cheng Heng!
Jem : Yeah, ultimate vacuum cleaner! Of course, you'll have to program him to make sure he doesn't regard your dog or your kids as trash/food.

In the end, we did find a table through the crowd, and I moved toward it as politely as I could, before throwing my bag on the empty seat and annexing the table into the Empire of Slumnia.

After lunch and watching Joshua being prodded and tickled mercilessly by Kevin, I scouted out the games shop in AMK Hub with Jem and Bryant. Discovered Metroid Prime : Hunters going at only $35 down there. Its second hand, but I vowed to rescue it from its ungainly position on the bargain shelf. Got it on Monday. Sisters of Battle were cloned from Samus. She is that 1337.

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