Wednesday 31 October 2007

Coming To A Close

The O-Levels have been pushed forward by yet ANOTHER 2 weeks for our year, so in response, the school has extended school for the Sec 3s by two weeks.... Not sure its helping too much, since no one really seems to be paying attention in class these days. Ms Lee can't really be too troubled to teach too much, and so we spend most of history watching old documentaries, English lessons are now spent watching Dead Man Rising, and Mrs Ang doesn't really feel like educating as well, so I spend some of Lit class in the cupboard of 201. Ah the memories.... Well, except for today when Mrs Ang didn't even come to class because she was sick, and we got that weird old maths teacher coming in as a substitute. She left us a 100 word assignment to do in groups of 3, but Bryant and Sam couldn't be bothered to write even such a small amount, so we spent the lesson watching Sam argue with Jem who was who's "ho", hear how Bryant's sister dislocated his arm when he was 10 and discuss Dark Crusade, and how Shen Shin has an unnaturally strong desire to see me and Jem play DC against each other. Its like watching a Tech Priest fight with a Gretchin since we're both noobs at it.

Problem was, we hadn't realized that she was actually going to collect the work until she refused to let us go home till we had. Cursing under our breath, the three of us churn, or spat, out a 100+ word, well, thing onto the paper before we could leave. Thank goodness she didn't read it, though Mrs Ang probably will, and chew us out for talking about how ultimate chaos benefits society.

I played a couple of Dark Crusade matches with Bryant after getting back. Since we don't live and breathe DC like some people *cough* Shen Shin *cough*, we just play against AI's together to bring our win rate up, which I really, really need to do if I don't want other people to start kicking me out of games. While we owned the first two Standard enemies (Ork and Necrons against my Space Marines and his Eldar), we lost within ten minutes to the other two (Space Marines against my Chaos and his Tau).....

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