Sunday 6 April 2008

Jack Black Is Win!!

Before I continue with this post, I will hereby dub any comedy with Jack Black in it honourarily win.

April has started off rather well. For the first time in my life, I was not pranked on April Fools!

Deon : Hey Micro, got training today.
Micro : Nut off, its April Fools
Deon : Damn...

Maybe if Loy or Gabriel had done it, it would more believable, but this is Deon we're talking about, the one who only shows up sporadically for training.

Got Bryant on April Fools too.

Me : Hey Bryant, Chinese focus group is canceled today
Bryant : YES!!!! (Does dance)
Me : You do remember what day it is today right??
Bryant : **** you...

Ms Kaur's was still the most 1337 prank though. 423 tried to prank her by switching class with 106, she screwed them over, "sent" them down to the first level, then borrowed 422 from Mr Tung to laugh at them while she waved a sign that said "April Fools" at them.

When with Sam (Loh, now to be known was pale Sam to prevent confusion), Sam (Wong) and Bryant, initially to watch Horton at Cineleisure. Got the bus stop late, really late. Bryant was so bored waiting for me, he was studying Chemistry. And apparently, pale Sam had kept him in the dark about what we were going to do the whole time. He thought we were going LANning I think.

Speaking for LANning, I am disappointed in Singapore's gaming scene sometimes. It seems that we're confined to solely playing DotA or some other Warcraft mod, or playing Counterstrike. We lack finesse... Bryant agrees too...

Luohan : Eh best friend, I heard you got 4 kills in 27 CS matches once...
Me : Shut up lah, you want to play me in Call of Duty 4??
Luohan : What the **** is that??? I bet Counterstrike pons it.

This is Luohan, a guy who goes to LAN as often as some people change their socks. And he has never even HEARD of CoD4. Frickin CoD4!!! Of course, one can't really blame him, its the society. Like a Chinese expository, one must blame the society, the school and the parents whenever a problem with the youth comes out as the question.

Anyhow, back on track, Bryant noticed that everyone was dressed to kill on Orchad Road.

Bryant : And here I am wearing a "you mom never gets old" shirt and short pants, not jeans. Why is everyone so image conscious? I mean, I don't really care about my image most of the time.
Me : Herd mentality, they think everyone cares about what they look like. Or maybe because you're standing next to me. Everyone looks pretty standing next to me.
Bryant : Possibly...
Me : We could be the only enlightened ones in the community, free from this strain...Or we could be the insane ones because we don't care about how we look
Bryant : All true...
Me : My Subway sense is tingling!! There is a Subway here too!

We met up with the two Sams, but Cineleisure wasn't showing Horton, so we legged it to Shaw House nearby, with Sam trying to rip out pale Sam's kidney for some reason. I did not get a cheap shot at him while I was at it. I do not lie impulsively. It didn't have Horton either if I remember right, so we decided on Be Kind Rewind.

The saleswoman at the counter gave us the wrong timeslot at first, but even when we switched to the earlier show, we still had an hour to burn. Thank the Lord for Samantha Wong. Between random prodding and attempting to pull out pale Sam's vital organs when he remarks about her lack of height from time to time, she makes for great conversation. And she art generous with hugs.

Bryant : I think I need to get a refund on my ticket, I really need to go...
Me : But why??
Bryant : I really have to leave, my parents want me back home.
Me : Tell them the bus broke down. Or there was a terrorism drill on.
Bryant : No one buys those...
Pale Sam : Come on, you just wasted your whole weekend.
Bryant : I never had one in the first place. I had to spend it studying. Yes, go ahead and insult me.
Me : You are epic fail. Noob.
Bryant : Thats more annoying than insulting actually.
Pale Sam : I think he needs a hug.
(I hug him)
Pale Sam : Now he needs a detox chamber.
Sam : I'll do it
(She hugs him)
Pale Sam : Right, he's good now.
(She hugs the pale one)
Sam : (To me) You want a hug too??
Me : ???? (Out comes my signature blank look)
Pale Sam : You really don't want to do that.
(She hugs me anyway)

Such bravery is commendable, for it is rare indeed. Maybe this proves there actually is a girl out there somewhere who can accept me for the biohazard I am?

Yeah, well Bryant did eventually leave us when he got a refund on his ticket (deserter!). Too bad for him, Be Kind Rewind was hilarious. For Jack Black was in it.

Its about an old man, Mr Fletcher, has a video rental store called Be Kind Rewind, which is failing, so he takes time off to study the more successful chains, leaving it in the hands of his employee Mike, with instructions not to let his best friend Jerry (Black) into the store, for he destroys everything he touches.

Coincidentally, Jerry comes up with a plan to destroy the nearby power plant, believing that the FBI is using it to broadcast electronic waves to mind control him. He attempts to do so by sneaking into the plant at night and throwing a grappling hook into the transformer.

Which gets him electrocuted, and magnetized. Mike reluctantly lets him into the store for treatment when he stumbles in looking wasted, and arranges all the tapes inside, unwittingly erasing all of them, and the rest of the movie follows them desperately trying to re-act (Or as they call it, "sweding") the erased movies that customers want, roping in Alma, a girl in a laundromart, to help them "swede" the movies. Jerry eventually loses his magnetism when he takes a piss on the street, which is also magnetized. It was a true WIN scene to watch all the nuts, bolts, drink

Their "Sweded" movies are a hit with the customers, and they do brisk business, and just in time too, since Mr Fletcher learns that he needs to refurbish the place to prevent it from being demolished by the city council, and needs 60 grand to do so. All goes well till the Copyright Office arrives and destroys all their "sweded" movies for copyright infringement using a steam roller.

With a few thousand left to go, Mike, Jerry and Alma make one last "sweded" movie, one of their own so the Copyright Office can't arrest them. This time, it is about the jazz legend Fat Waller, who never actually lived in the town, using the last week they have before the demolition to film it. Despite a hundred people coming to watch it, they can't raise enough money to stop the demolition. Mr Fletcher resignedly goes out to tell the workmen outside that they can start when he finds out the entire town has gathered outside to watch the film. And it ends there.

Couple of my favourite lines
Mike : Okay, now to shoot the final scene of Ghostbusters...
Jerry : Hold it!! You can't shoot a dramatic scene during the day! You can't!
Mike : Jerry, Miss Falewicz will be here in less than an hour, we don't have time!
(Jerry reaches for the camera)
Mike : Are you nuts, you're magnetized remember, you'll erase everything!
Jerry : Sigh, there's a button that says "Negative", press it.
Mike : You're right, it works. But I'm white in it. And you're black.
Jerry : Again, I have an idea
(They photostat their faces and wear the paper as masks)
Mike : (Running while filming the credits for the Ghostbusters film) This film was written and produced by Dan Akroyd. (Hums out Ghostbusters theme song)
Baliff : I'm afraid I'm going to have to confiscate every tape here for copyright infringement.
Jerry : You can't do that!!
Baliff : Yes I can. The copyright message is shown at the start of every video.
Jerry : But we erased that too!
JD : Thats a rip off man, ten bucks for a video!
Jerry : They're, erm, sweded...
Alma : Yeah they're, erm, from, Sweden!
JD : Sweden's a country, not a verb.
Alma : Its an expensive country, thats why the videos are so expensive!
Jerry : Sorry, we only allow 2 movies to be taken out per account, store policy.
JD : Thats cool, I want to start an account right now.
Alma : We're going to need your date of birth, a letter from your parents if you're a minor, a list of countries which you've traveled to prior to registraion, your blood type, records from your last ten dentist visits and your top 10 favourite movies.
JD : You're lucky we don't beat girls up.

For some reason, Sam kept tapping my feet during the movie. Intentionally or not, I don't know. I was too busy eating my Subway sandwich to ask.

Pale Sam's dad called me on my way home. From Tokyo. To see if I had any idea where his son was. I honestly had no idea where he had gone, though it sounded like I covered up for pale Sam to prevent his parents from tearing him a new bodily orifice in him. So he owes me big anyway.

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