Micro : Dude, Yahtzee is right, Sheva is not African! Listen to that, that's a British accent, right there!
Bryant : No way!
Micro : She sounds just like Mrs Creffield!
Bryant : Sssh! Don't ruin the fantasy!
Micro : Of what? Sheva or Mrs Creffield?
Bryant : What do you think?
Micro : Mrs Creffield it is then
Surreal is staggering back to an empty house through the dimly lit streets, bumping into bushes at 5 in the morning after playing Resident Evil 5 with Bryant. And training for 4 hours with the ACSI old boys before that.
Been living the life of a bachelor for the last few days, since my parents and sister are in Vietnam. No limits, a suitable stash of cash, and all the time in the world for weekends. Awesome, is it not, that I beat Majini up with my friends until we both pass out and drop the controllers, thereby activating his OCD and hence our collective common sense?
No, Sir Cliff Richards, you should NOT stay a bachelor boy until your dying day, no matter what your daddy says. Zongren, if you ever read this, listen to Song! Find a nice girl and settle down, because I'd rather be running diamonds than having to do my own laundry or scour my own food...
Which coincidentally, leads to the worst sort of laundry to do (Running diamonds, not finding food, unless it's a really hot day). Not that I'm incapable of doing the said tasks, I'm capable of a lot of things, but really, getting home at 10, proceeding to wash clothes from running diamonds and waiting till 11 to hang them up, then trying to get up before 6 is not possible for this bachelor...
And I've got to babysit my brother. Well, not really, since he's content with watching Naturo from 3 to 10, so it's more like looking after a plant, just keep it watered.
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Zen...And Comforting
*Begin deep, meaningful and insightful section here*
"There is no mystery to happiness.
"Unhappy men are all alike. Some wound they suffered long ago, some wish denied, some blow to pride, some kindling spark of love put out by scorn -- or worse, indifference -- cleaves to them, or they to it, and so they live each day within a shroud of yesterdays. The happy man does not look back. He doesn't look ahead. He lives in the present.
"But there's the rub. The present can never deliver one thing: meaning. The ways of happiness and meaning are not the same. To find happiness, a man need only live in the moment; he need only live for the moment. But if he wants meaning -- the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life -- a man must reinhabit the past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. Thus nature dangles happiness and meaning before us all, insisting only that we choose between them."
-- Jed Rubenfeld, 'The Interpretation of Murder'
Much thanks to Bryant for having introduced me to that quote. It's stuck with me since the day he posted it.
Reverting back to the old day cycles I used to have. Study, then TF2. Study, then read TRC manga.
Love this cycle. It's simple, it's calm, it's comforting, and most of all, it's familiar. Two years of living it, two awesome years. The best bit is, I don't have to choose between happiness and meaning because of it.
What I do, I enjoy, and conveniently happens to take care of the future, and since I'm good with the past, well, I've got myself a pretty good deal don't I?
Might be a little late to save your dream of finally getting a chance to see what the hell John Nash was up to in Princeton isn't it?
Well, I lost heavily before the dark ages ended didn't I?
*End deep, meaningful and insightful section here*
Okay, that's over! They should read stuff like that during chapel.
Instead of the usual did to spur us on to
The chaplain ACJC has is kinda like this one.

Why, why, why can we never have a Chaplain/Priest like this one!

I mean, he doesn't even have to be an Interrogator-Chaplain! Just think about it, a Chaplain who gives sermons in full power armour! Reads quotes from the Bible he wears around his waist with a chain! Blesses people using a crozius! Partitions the wafers and wine with a power sword! Come on, this would bring the flock back from those "charismatic" churches! Or at least draw the fa/tg/uys into attending Mass on a regular basis.
Which reminds me, right after the Promos, I'm getting started on my newest fanfiction.
This one will be about an Apothecary who's expelled from his Chapter (Iron Wolves) for losing the gene seed of ten marines because he stopped to rescue a group of Guardsmen from Traitor Marines. Until he performs a great deed of service to the Emperor, he will have to wander as a Lone Wolf across the galaxy. So he joins up with the regiment of the Guardsmen he saved as a medic, looking for the chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the Emperor.
Initially supposed to be a serious one to explore how Space Marine-human relations (Still is), Bryant and I couldn't help but think of all the awkward scenes a Space Marine medic used to healing superhuman warriors would have babysitting normal human soldiers.
Bryant : Apothecary! Private Jenkins had a heart attack!
Micro : Bring him to my operating table. Now administering the Rites of CPR.
*Crushes Guardsmen to death due to his superhuman strength*
Micro : Oops...Erm...Emperor watch over your soul brave soldier?
Micro : Emperor's peace be with you fallen warrior, as I take the Chapter's due.
Bryant : Apothecary, why the hell are you mutilating Forester's body for?
Micro : I am extracting his gene seed, so that his legacy may live through another.
Bryant : Oi! We're not Marines, we don't have gene seed!
Micro : Really? Then what are these two glands that I just extracted from Corporal Forester's midsectio-
Bryant : PUT THEM BACK!!!
Well, if you've been doing the same thing for the last 100 years, you tend to get a little too familiar with the routine wouldn't you?
PS : Sam, sorry we couldn't meet up! It's not so easy for us any more... We'll make up for it when you get back in December, I promise!
PPS : Before I forget. You mah hoe! (It's Friday)
"There is no mystery to happiness.
"Unhappy men are all alike. Some wound they suffered long ago, some wish denied, some blow to pride, some kindling spark of love put out by scorn -- or worse, indifference -- cleaves to them, or they to it, and so they live each day within a shroud of yesterdays. The happy man does not look back. He doesn't look ahead. He lives in the present.
"But there's the rub. The present can never deliver one thing: meaning. The ways of happiness and meaning are not the same. To find happiness, a man need only live in the moment; he need only live for the moment. But if he wants meaning -- the meaning of his dreams, his secrets, his life -- a man must reinhabit the past, however dark, and live for the future, however uncertain. Thus nature dangles happiness and meaning before us all, insisting only that we choose between them."
-- Jed Rubenfeld, 'The Interpretation of Murder'
Much thanks to Bryant for having introduced me to that quote. It's stuck with me since the day he posted it.
Reverting back to the old day cycles I used to have. Study, then TF2. Study, then read TRC manga.
Love this cycle. It's simple, it's calm, it's comforting, and most of all, it's familiar. Two years of living it, two awesome years. The best bit is, I don't have to choose between happiness and meaning because of it.
What I do, I enjoy, and conveniently happens to take care of the future, and since I'm good with the past, well, I've got myself a pretty good deal don't I?
Might be a little late to save your dream of finally getting a chance to see what the hell John Nash was up to in Princeton isn't it?
Well, I lost heavily before the dark ages ended didn't I?
*End deep, meaningful and insightful section here*
Okay, that's over! They should read stuff like that during chapel.
Instead of the usual
The chaplain ACJC has is kinda like this one.

Why, why, why can we never have a Chaplain/Priest like this one!

I mean, he doesn't even have to be an Interrogator-Chaplain! Just think about it, a Chaplain who gives sermons in full power armour! Reads quotes from the Bible he wears around his waist with a chain! Blesses people using a crozius! Partitions the wafers and wine with a power sword! Come on, this would bring the flock back from those "charismatic" churches! Or at least draw the fa/tg/uys into attending Mass on a regular basis.
Which reminds me, right after the Promos, I'm getting started on my newest fanfiction.
This one will be about an Apothecary who's expelled from his Chapter (Iron Wolves) for losing the gene seed of ten marines because he stopped to rescue a group of Guardsmen from Traitor Marines. Until he performs a great deed of service to the Emperor, he will have to wander as a Lone Wolf across the galaxy. So he joins up with the regiment of the Guardsmen he saved as a medic, looking for the chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the Emperor.
Initially supposed to be a serious one to explore how Space Marine-human relations (Still is), Bryant and I couldn't help but think of all the awkward scenes a Space Marine medic used to healing superhuman warriors would have babysitting normal human soldiers.
Bryant : Apothecary! Private Jenkins had a heart attack!
Micro : Bring him to my operating table. Now administering the Rites of CPR.
*Crushes Guardsmen to death due to his superhuman strength*
Micro : Oops...Erm...Emperor watch over your soul brave soldier?
Micro : Emperor's peace be with you fallen warrior, as I take the Chapter's due.
Bryant : Apothecary, why the hell are you mutilating Forester's body for?
Micro : I am extracting his gene seed, so that his legacy may live through another.
Bryant : Oi! We're not Marines, we don't have gene seed!
Micro : Really? Then what are these two glands that I just extracted from Corporal Forester's midsectio-
Bryant : PUT THEM BACK!!!
Well, if you've been doing the same thing for the last 100 years, you tend to get a little too familiar with the routine wouldn't you?
PS : Sam, sorry we couldn't meet up! It's not so easy for us any more... We'll make up for it when you get back in December, I promise!
PPS : Before I forget. You mah hoe! (It's Friday)
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